Home IoT The future state of industrial manufacturing: AEPs and servitisation

The future state of industrial manufacturing: AEPs and servitisation

The future state of industrial manufacturing: AEPs and servitisation


Transforma Insights, industrial manufacturers and industry 4.0 solution providers – collaborate on this detailed white paper exposing the evolving landscape of industrial manufacturing. They discuss emerging technologies like IoT, AI and the servitisation models which support them. In this comprehensive piece, you’ll discover:

  • servitisation modelWhy there’s pressure to adapt – Industrial manufacturers need to stay competitive by reacting to market innovations like AI, IoT and new models like servitisation.
  • How servitisation creates competitive advantage – Moving to a service model from a product one allows manufacturers to reduce cost, improve client retention, enhance their value proposition and secure higher-quality revenue streams. This will cut competitors off at the pass if they’re not able to pivot as quickly.
  • Where AEPs come in – Application Enablement Platforms or AEPs are great tools for developing sophisticated IoT applications. They provide the base software capabilities while still enabling customisations for marketplace differentiation. But they are increasingly complex. They’re being deployed into smart environments with existing connections and applications, have data from multiple device types or 3rd parties, have vast deployment locations, struggle with legacy devices and contain many OEMs.

So, access this white paper now to unlock all these insights on IoT, AI, AEPs and EEP. Use it as a launching point to ideate how your industrial manufacturing organisation could adopt an EEP approach to gain more competitive advantage in a tech landscape that’s this diverse and complex.