
Hello there fellow programmers. I keep in mind these days when i began studying python. I used to be at all times keen to seek out new blogs about python however discovered only a handful of them. This is among the cause i began this weblog. To unfold my data about python to different fellow coders. At the moment i’m going to attempt to present you 10 hyperlinks to completely different python blogs which might be price following. By that i imply they’re frequently up to date and have helpful data. So right here’s the record:

  • The primary one is Planet python undoubtedly probably the most well-known python blogs on the market. Go test it out. I hope one can find it useful. It was final up to date immediately.

  • The second weblog is lucumr. The house of the developer of flask (a python micro net framework).

  • The third weblog is love-python. I don’t know the way i stumbled over it however i actually like this weblog because it has plenty of helpful data and code snippets.

  • The fourth weblog is of Doug Hellmann. He’s the one behind PYMOTW (Python Module Of The Week). This weblog covers plenty of python libraries. In case you are looking for some new helpful python libraries then go examine this out.

  • The following weblog is Coder Who Says Py. It’s a pleasant weblog. Though it’s not frequently up to date however nonetheless one can find some useful data in there.

  • The sixth weblog is effbot. Filled with useful data, code snippets and every thing else you possibly can count on from a python weblog. Go test it out earlier than it’s too late.

  • The seventh weblog is of the author of “Two Scoops Of Django”. It’s pydanny. That is primarily about django however nonetheless loads might be discovered from this weblog.

  • The following weblog is of Al Sweigat. He’s the author of quite a few python books together with his newest ebook “Hacking Secret Ciphers With Python”.

  • The ninth weblog is this weblog on which you presently are. That is your multi function information to python.

  • The final weblog is among the most helpful weblog which received me up to the mark with python. It’s referred to as Mouse Vs Python.

I hope you preferred immediately’s publish and i’m positive i helped you out of your frustration of discovering good python blogs. Do share your views within the feedback beneath and if you happen to assume that i’ve missed a weblog then put it within the feedback as effectively.