
Hello there! At this time, I am starting my very personal private weblog associated to Python. Let me first let you know who I am. I’m a pc programmer from Pakistan. I’ve made rather a lot open supply contributions. I’ve contributed primarily to youtube-dl. It’s a python script which lets you obtain movies from numerous web sites like youtube, fb, dailymotion, metacafe, and many others. I additionally run a web site with the identify of It permits you to search and obtain music from Sounds cool, doesn’t it? 😀 I’ve achieved all of its backend programming in python. I even have some helpful scripts on my GitHub web page, and if you want to verify them out or make the most of them, you might be most welcome to take action. This weblog will serve you new Python suggestions each different day. This weblog shouldn’t be for seasoned programmers however those that are beginning out with Python, or need to improve their data about this language.

Lastly, when you’ve got any feedback, recommendations, or need my assist with something, please be at liberty to drop me an e mail: And with that, I suppose it’s time to say goodbye for now.